Club Executive Committee
Useful Resources and Links
- Club AGM includes links to Running the AGM, and templates for Minutes, Motion forms, Nomination Forms, sign in sheets and Standing orders
- Club support Manual including advice on running effective Club Meetings
- Corporate Trustee Clubs can now opt to hold property through the Corporate Trustee. Holding property through the Corporate Trustee does not affect the ownership in any way but can have advantages in the way of continuous amendments to the title is avoided when trustees die or retire. This will save on Legal costs to the Club. This also takes the pressure off individual Trustees and avoids the publishing of names should court proceedings take place.
- Club Planning
The GAA Club Planning Programme provides clubs with a structured approach to developing a plan. The main part of the programme is the club planning workshop, where all of the clubs members are invited to attend a facilitated workshop to discuss all aspects of club activity.
- Email planningandtraining.galway@gaa.ie if you wish to discuss the Club Planning process
- Club Planning Programme
- Previous Club Plans
- Club Compás
The Club Compás Programme gives Clubs a digital self-assessment tool to review their performance and get direction on how to address any operational shortcomings. Each Club receives a bespoke self-assessment report that scores their performance against best practice. This report also gives them advice on ‘what to do next’ and learning resources available to assist.
- To access the self-assessment tool, please login to Foireann – https://returntoplay.gaa.ie/
- All Club Administrators, Secretaries, Development Officers and Club Compás Coordinators can access the self-assessment by default. Each Club is required to complete an annual Club Committee update on Foireann. Once Club members have been assigned to the stated roles, they can access the self-assessment.
- For support, e-mail officertraining@gaa.ie or galway@gaa.ie